Monday, August 08, 2005

Not that I'm Complaining Mind You

The Rove leak has lead reporters to ridiculous sourcing as of late. I found this one humorous from NYT ....
But for the staff members left behind, (at the White House this month) it was not entirely quiet. "It's always something," said one administration official who asked not to be named because he did not want to be seen as complaining about the job. "Somebody's dying or something blows up or somebody issues a tape. We never really cool off that much."
I'm not sure which is funnier though...that the source doesn't want to be seen as complaining or the nature of the complaints. Given the above quote, I guess about now the source is saying .......

"Shit that Jennings guy died. More damn work"......

Not that the source would be complaining though.......

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