Monday, April 18, 2005

Santorums Private or Public Grief?

There's some discussion going on about Senator Rick Santorums' way of grieving the loss of their prematurely born son. Santorum gave the details in a WaPo article today.
It includes this:
Karen Santorum, a former nurse, wrote letters to her son during and after her pregnancy. She compiled them into a book, "Letters to Gabriel," a collection of prayers, Bible passages and a chronicle of the prenatal complications that led to Gabriel's premature delivery.

Many people say this is a private issue and opinions on how the Santorum's grieve is out of bounds.
Well then why tell the whole country of your "private grief" in the WaPo.

And why does Karen Santorum not just write a book (which I first took as just something for the family to look back upon) but publish it???
Yes........It's for Sale on Amazon

Sounds like the Santorums have gone out of their way to let us all know about this now though it happened some time ago and the book was published in 1997.
'06 is just around the corner....coincidence?

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